Friday, February 7, 2014

Valentine's Day Release

Here's an excerpt from my new novella, an historical romance set in the Nevada Territory, called Mexican Spur.

 Ward watched his once vibrant wife. Kitty was still the beauty he'd married, the delicate girl from a well-to-do family who had favored him by becoming his wife. She wore a pink gingham dress, starched and ironed and looking ready for a garden party.
   He could fix just about anything but he couldn't mend a broken heart. They mourned their child. Losing the newborn had devastated them. Kitty didn't seem able to overcome her grief.
   Instead of clinging to each other for support, their loss had driven a wedge between them.
   Ward could not fathom what would bring her back to him. Sleeping on the divan in the parlor wasn't all that had him worried. Kitty talked more and more about going back to Chicago. She wouldn't give Mexican Spur a chance. She'd given up on just about everything including trying again for another baby. His beautiful wife had become afraid. Ward had wanted so badly to make a life for them here in Mexican Spur. His dream was crumbling. Maybe her pa was right. The territory was no place for a lady.


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