Thursday, November 1, 2018

New Release October 15, 2018

Angels With Dirty Faces

I've self-published my four novellas about pioneer women facing tough choices. Hope you like them. 

Today Ragtown is a ghost town in Nevada, but in the 1850's, the town thrived as a stopping off place for the wagon trains before they crossed the Sierra-Nevada Mountains into California.

When Kitty Cummings is asked to take in four orphaned children, she's not sure she's the mother they need. In her considered opinion, the Nevada territory is no place to raise a family. As the town called Mexican Spur grows into a community, Kitty and her husband, Ward, are ready to be a family again—until the renegades who killed the children's parents return.

Dory Watkins arrives in Ragtown in 1854 by wagon train. Her ma is too sick to travel and so Dory stays behind to take care of her while Pa and the boys continue on to California. She finds the love of a good man in the hard-scrabble town and must decide whether to stay in Ragtown or to leave with her ma with the next wagon train.

Lena Carlson and her husband come from the Old Country in 1861 and buy the Ragtown Mercantile. Lena's husband dies, leaving her alone and lonely in a foreign land until she meets Henry Barrett, a man searching for his kidnapped daughter. Lena and Henry join forces but will they risk a second chance at love?

Southern Belle Rosy Sherry overcomes her self-doubt and a traditional past to take her place in history as Ragtown's first school teacher in 1866. When she falls in love with a loner Yankee sheriff, she discovers forgiveness is the only way to heal a broken heart.

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